Environmental Science (3110007)

BE | Semester-1   Winter-2019 | 16-01-2020

Q4) (b)

Define sustainable development.

Sustainable development is the development that meets of the present without jeopardizing the needs of future generations.

In other words, every generation should leave air, water and soil as pure and unpolluted as possible. Although it is a difficult thing, it can be achieved through proper environmental management, To meet the basic requirements of ever increasing population, industrialization is a must, but it results in pollution, environmental degradation and causes ecological imbalance. At the same time, industrial development cannot be sacrificed as it creates job opportunities, raises the standard of living and solves unemployment problems. In view of this, balance has to be stuck so that development and environmental protection occurs Simultaneously. To achieve this goal, sustainable development is the only answer.

Sustainable development can be done if the following concepts are taken care of

  • Control of population
  • Reduction in excessive usage of resources and enhancing resources conservation, i.e more and more use of renewable resources and judicious use of non-renewable resources.
  • Recycling and reuse of materials for waste minimization.
  • Concentrating more on social and economic development of the community.
  • Using cleaner fuel and technologies.
  • Development of good mass transportation facilities to reduce the number of vehicles plying on the road which will reduce the pollution.
By using effective environmental management tools like Environmental Impact Assessment (ELA), Environmental management systems (EMS) like ISO 14001.