English (3110002)

BE | Semester-1   Winter-2019 | 13-01-2020

Q5) (b)

You are the office manager and want to remind everyone to clean up after themselves in the lunchroom. There was recently an infestation of cockroaches. The building has since been fumigated but you still require the cooperation of staff to prevent a re-infestation. State the purpose of the memo, your reason(s) for sending it and what actions taken.

Apex Private Ltd.

To: Staff members
From: Mr.M.R.Vyas, Office Manager
Date: 25 February 2020
Subject: To improve cleanliness to prevent an infestation of cockroaches
It is to notify all staff members that when they left lunchroom after taking lunch without fail inform peon to make it clean to prevent an infestation of cockroaches which will help us to maintain our health well. The building has since been fumigated but we require your cooperation to prevent a re-infestation. All are expected to take this memo sincerely in attention and follow the instructions strictly. From Monday onwards, non-followers will have to pay fine of 500 RS. As per every lunchtime.
Office Manager