Software Engineering (2160701)

BE | Semester-6   Winter-2019 | 14-12-2019

Q3) (A)

State difference between procedural design and object-oriented design.

Procedural Oriented Design

Object Oriented Design

The basic abstractions, which are given to the user, are real world functions.

The basic abstractions are not the real world functions but are the data abstraction where the real world entities are represented.

Functions are grouped together by which a higher level function is Page on eg of this technique isSA/SD.

Functions are grouped together on the basis of the data they operate since the classes are associated with their methods.

In this appproach the state information is often represented in a centralized shared memory.

In this approach the state information is not represented in a centralized memory but is implemented or distributed among the objects of the system.

we decompose in function/procedure level

we decompose in class level

Top down Approach

Bottom up approach

It views system as Black Box that performs high level function and later decompose it detailed function so to be mapped to modules.

Object-oriented design is the discipline of defining the objects and their interactions to solve a problem that was identified and documented during object-oriented analysis.

Begins by considering the use case diagrams and Scenarios.

Begins by identifying objects and classes