Basic Electronics (3110016)

BE | Semester-1   Winter-2019 | 06-01-2020

Q3) (c)

Briefly explain the h-parameters and draw h-parameter based equivalent circuit for CE transistor and derive an equation for input impedance, output impedance, and voltage gain.

  • h-parameters can be understood with the help of two-port networks. Fig. - 1.
  • Where, input current at port 1 is I1 = Ii, output current at port 2 is I2 = I0, input voltage at port 1 is V1 = Vi, output voltage at port 2 is V2 = Vo
  • There are four variables. Any variable can be represented in terms of other two known variable, then one of the possible set/pair of equation are,

    Vi = h11 Ii + h12 Vo .........(1)
    Io = h21 Ii + h22 Vo .........(2)
  • Where, coefficients h11, h12, h21, h22 are called hybrid parameters (h parameters).
  • In equation (1) when Vo is set to zero, by short circuiting output terminal, then h11 is derived as h11 = ViIi, h11 is called the Input Impedance.
  • In equation (1) when Ii is set to zero, by open circuiting input terminal, then h12 is derived as h12 = ViIo, h12 is called the Reverse voltage gain.
  • In equation (2) when Vo is set to zero, by short circuiting output terminal, then h21 is derived as h21 = IoI1, h21 is called the Forward current gain.
  • In equation (2) when Ii is set to zero, by open circuiting input terminal, then h22 is derived as h22 = IoV2, h22 is called the Transconductance or Output Admittance.
  • Since, unit of these parameters are completely different from each other, this set of parameters are called hybrid parameters.
  • Based on equations, the equivalent circuit for input as well as output can be derived as per Fig, - 2 & 3.
  • For CE configuration of transistor, input current is Ii = Ib, output current is Io = Ic, input voltage is Vi = Vbe, output voltage is Vo = Vce.
  • Hence set/pair of equation are

    Vbe = h11 Ib + h12 Vce .........(3)
    Ic = h21 Ib + h22 Vce .........(4)
Input Impedance: h11 =  Vbe Ib 
Voltage Gain: h12 =  Vbe Vce 
Output Impedance: 1 h22  =  Vce Ic