Basic Electronics (3110016)

BE | Semester-1   Winter-2019 | 06-01-2020

Q5) (b)

Write a short note on E MOSFET as an Amplifier.

  • This simple enhancement-mode common source MOSFET amplifier configuration uses a single supply at the drain and generates the required gate voltage, VG using a resistor divider.
  • As we know that for a MOSFET, no current flows into the gate terminal, we can make the following basic assumptions about the MOSFET amplifiers DC operating conditions

    VDD = ID RD + VDS + ID RS

    VDD = ID ( RD + RS ) + VDS

    RD + RS =  VDD - VDSID

    So, RD =  VDD -VDS ID  &  RS =  Vs ID

    and the MOSFET gate-to-source voltage, VGS is given as

    VGS = VG - IS RS
  • For proper operation of the MOSFET, this gate-source voltage must be greater than the threshold voltage of the MOSFET, that is VGS > VTH.
  • Since
    IS = ID, the gate voltage

    VGS = VG - ID RS

    VG = VGS + ID RS

    VG = VGS + VS
  • To set the MOSFET amplifier gate voltage to this value we select the values of the resistors, R1 and R2 within the voltage divider network to the required values.
  • Since no current flows into the gate terminal of a MOSFET device so the formula for voltage division is given as

    VG = VDD R2R1 + R2