Applied Mathematics for Electrical Engineering - 3130908
Complex Variables and Partial Differential Equations - 3130005
Engineering Graphics and Design - 3110013
Basic Electronics - 3110016
Mathematics-II - 3110015
Basic Civil Engineering - 3110004
Physics Group - II - 3110018
Basic Electrical Engineering - 3110005
Basic Mechanical Engineering - 3110006
Programming for Problem Solving - 3110003
Physics Group - I - 3110011
Mathematics-I - 3110014
English - 3110002
Environmental Science - 3110007
Software Engineering - 2160701
Data Structure - 2130702
Database Management Systems - 2130703
Operating System - 2140702
Advanced Java - 2160707
Compiler Design - 2170701
Data Mining And Business Intelligence - 2170715
Information And Network Security - 2170709
Mobile Computing And Wireless Communication - 2170710
Theory Of Computation - 2160704
Semester - 1
Semester - 2
Semester - 3
Semester - 4
Semester - 5
Semester - 6
Semester - 7
Semester - 8
Operating System
BE | Semester
Winter - 2018
Total Marks
Define following
3 Marks
Define and differentiate process and thread.
4 Marks
What is operating system? Discuss role/functions of OS as a resource manager..
7 Marks
What is mutual exclusion? List out various methods/approach to achieve it.
3 Marks
What do you mean by scheduling? Discuss in brief types of scheduler.
4 Marks
Explain process state model with diagram.
7 Marks
List out types of operating system and explain batch OS and time sharing OS in brief.
7 Marks
What is Belady’s anomaly? Explain with suitable example.
3 Marks
What is TLB? Explain how it speeds up the overall processing.
4 Marks
What is Paging? Explain paging mechanism in MMU with example.
7 Marks
What is virtual memory? What are advantages of it?
3 Marks
Explain multiprogramming with fixed partition
4 Marks
Calculate the page fault rates for below reference string in case of FIFO and Optimal page replacement algorithm.
7 Marks
Write a short note on DMA.
3 Marks
What is deadlock? Describe in brief necessary conditions that should hold for deadlock to occur.
4 Marks
Consider the processes P1, P2, P3, P4 given in the below table, arrives for execution in the same order, with arrival time 0, and given burst time, draw GANTT chart and find the average waiting time using the FCFS and SJF scheduling algorithm.
7 Marks
What do you mean by fragmentation? Differentiate internal and external fragmentation.
3 Marks
List approaches to deal with deadlock. Explain deadlock prevention in brief.
4 Marks
What do you mean by mutual exclusion? Explain Peterson’s solution for mutual exclusion problem.
7 Marks
List and explain different file attributes.
3 Marks
What is I-node? Explain in brief.
4 Marks
Define seek time and rotational latency.
7 Marks
Differentiate contiguous and linked file allocation methods.
3 Marks
Explain Unix Commands – grep, sort, cat, chmod
4 Marks
What do you mean by security? Discuss in brief access control list.
7 Marks