Applied Mathematics for Electrical Engineering - 3130908
Complex Variables and Partial Differential Equations - 3130005
Engineering Graphics and Design - 3110013
Basic Electronics - 3110016
Mathematics-II - 3110015
Basic Civil Engineering - 3110004
Physics Group - II - 3110018
Basic Electrical Engineering - 3110005
Basic Mechanical Engineering - 3110006
Programming for Problem Solving - 3110003
Physics Group - I - 3110011
Mathematics-I - 3110014
English - 3110002
Environmental Science - 3110007
Software Engineering - 2160701
Data Structure - 2130702
Database Management Systems - 2130703
Operating System - 2140702
Advanced Java - 2160707
Compiler Design - 2170701
Data Mining And Business Intelligence - 2170715
Information And Network Security - 2170709
Mobile Computing And Wireless Communication - 2170710
Theory Of Computation - 2160704
Semester - 1
Semester - 2
Semester - 3
Semester - 4
Semester - 5
Semester - 6
Semester - 7
Semester - 8
Data Structure
BE | Semester
Winter - 2017
Total Marks
A two dimensional array is stored row by row, then what is the address of matrix element A[i,j] for n row and m column matrix? How array representation of polynomial 2x2+5xy+y2 can be done?
3 Marks
Which data structure is used in a time sharing single central processing unit and one main memory computer system where many users share the system simultaneously? How users are added for use of the system?
4 Marks
The Preorder traversal of the tree is:
7 Marks
What is the problem with sign and magnitude representation if addition of +7 with -6 is performed? Evaluate 7+7 using 2’s complement representation and modulo 16 arithmetic.
3 Marks
Write an algorithm for calculating square of the number for all the prime numbers ranging between 1 to n. Perform time and space analysis.
4 Marks
Given a linked list whose typical node consists of an INFO and LINK field. Formulate an algorithm which will count the number of nodes in the list.
7 Marks
What is the need of doubly linked list? Consider a problem of inserting a node into a doubly linked linear list to the left of a specified node whose address is given by variable M. Give details of algorithm.
7 Marks
How directed tree can be represented?
3 Marks
How following hash functions work?
4 Marks
(i) In which case insertion and deletion cannot be performed in stack?
7 Marks
How primitive data type floating point is stored in computer?
3 Marks
A communications network is represented by graph. Each node represents a communication line and each edge indicate the presence of interconnection between the lines. Which traversal technique can be used to find breakdown in line? Explain.
4 Marks
(i) Convert a+b*c-d/e*h to postfix.
7 Marks
How many null branches a binary tree possesses?
3 Marks
What is the difference between serial and sequential processing? How a record can be deleted in sequential file?
4 Marks
What is the advantage of circular queue? Write an algorithm for inserting ‘A’,’B’,’C’,delete ‘A’ and ‘B’and insert ‘D’ and ‘E’ in circular queue .
7 Marks
Explain indexing structure for index files.
3 Marks
Write recursive algorithm for computing factorial. Which data structure can be used to implement this algorithm?
4 Marks
“If no interchanges occurred, then the table must be sorted and no further passes are required.” Which sorting method works on this principal?
7 Marks
How does priority queue work?
3 Marks
How binary search technique can be applied to search for a particular item with a certain key?
4 Marks
Apply quick sort on following data:
7 Marks
Explain the structure of threaded binary tree.
3 Marks
How access of record is performed in multi key file organization?
4 Marks
Hash function map several keys into same address called collision. How collision resolution techniques work?
7 Marks