Software Engineering (2160701)

BE | Semester-6   Summer-2019 | 10-05-2019

Q4) (B)

Explain 4 P’s of Effective Project Management in detail


·       Specifies activities related to production of software.

·       Specifies the abstract set of activities that should be performed to go from user needs to final product.


·       Software development work in which a software process is used

·       The actual act of executing the activities for some specific user needs


·       The outcomes of a software project

·       All the outputs that are produced while the activities are being executed


  • People of a project includes from manager to developer, from client to finish user. however principally people of a project highlight the developers.
  • it's thus vital to own extremely skillful and intended developers that the software package Engineering Institute has developed land Management Capability Maturity Model (PM-CMM), “to enhance the readiness of software package organizations to undertake progressively advanced applications by serving to draw in, grow, motivate, deploy, and retain the talent required to boost their software package development power”.