Applied Mathematics for Electrical Engineering - 3130908
Complex Variables and Partial Differential Equations - 3130005
Engineering Graphics and Design - 3110013
Basic Electronics - 3110016
Mathematics-II - 3110015
Basic Civil Engineering - 3110004
Physics Group - II - 3110018
Basic Electrical Engineering - 3110005
Basic Mechanical Engineering - 3110006
Programming for Problem Solving - 3110003
Physics Group - I - 3110011
Mathematics-I - 3110014
English - 3110002
Environmental Science - 3110007
Software Engineering - 2160701
Data Structure - 2130702
Database Management Systems - 2130703
Operating System - 2140702
Advanced Java - 2160707
Compiler Design - 2170701
Data Mining And Business Intelligence - 2170715
Information And Network Security - 2170709
Mobile Computing And Wireless Communication - 2170710
Theory Of Computation - 2160704
Semester - 1
Semester - 2
Semester - 3
Semester - 4
Semester - 5
Semester - 6
Semester - 7
Semester - 8
Software Engineering
BE | Semester
Winter - 2017
Total Marks
Compare prototype and RAD model.
3 Marks
Unit : Introduction to Software and Software Engineering
Topic : Software Process Models
Explain Agile Development in detail.
4 Marks
Unit : Agile Development
Topic : Other process models of Agile Development and Tools.
Enlist characteristic of SRS.Write a SRS for Hospital management system.
7 Marks
Unit : Requirement Analysis and Specification
Topic : Requirement Specification (SRS)
Explain Software engineering as a Layered technology.
3 Marks
Unit : Introduction to Software and Software Engineering
Topic : Software Engineering: A Layered Technology
Explain the merits and demerits of SCRUM.
4 Marks
Unit : Agile Development
Topic : Other process models of Agile Development and Tools.
Explain Software metrics used for software cost estimation.
7 Marks
Unit : Managing Software Project
Topic : Software Project Estimations
Write a short note on Requirement Engineering.
7 Marks
Unit : Requirement Analysis and Specification
Topic : Requirement Engineering
Describe golden rules of User Interface Design.
3 Marks
Unit : Software Design
Topic : User Interface Design
What is activity diagram and Swim-lane? Draw activity diagram for billing Counter of a shopping mall.
4 Marks
Unit : Requirement Analysis and Specification
Topic : Requirement Modeling
Write short notes on COCOMO model.
7 Marks
Unit : Managing Software Project
Topic : Software Project Estimations
State the difference between procedural Design and Object Oriented Design.
3 Marks
Unit : Software Design
Topic : Component Level Design (Function Oriented Design, Object Oriented Design) (MS Visio Tool )
Compare Coupling and Cohesion. Explain different types of Coupling and its effects on software modules
4 Marks
Unit : Software Design
Topic : Design Concepts and Design Principal
What is architectural design? Enlist different style and patterns of architecture.
7 Marks
Unit : Software Design
Topic : Architectural Design
Compare quality control with quality assurance.
3 Marks
Unit : Quality Assurance and Management
Topic : Quality Concepts and Software Quality Assurance
Explain the process model which is normally suits for development of large-scale software system.
4 Marks
Unit : Introduction to Software and Software Engineering
Topic : Software Process Models
List set of guidelines for BVA.Also Explain merits and demerits of BVA.
7 Marks
Unit : Software Coding & Testing
Topic : Code Review
Write short notes on Reengineering.
3 Marks
Unit : Software Maintenance and Configuration Management
Topic : Re-Engineering
List quality standards. Explain any one.
4 Marks
Unit : Quality Assurance and Management
Topic : The Quality Standards: ISO 9000
Explain White Box Testing With an Example.
7 Marks
Unit : Software Coding & Testing
Topic : Testing Techniques and Test Case
Explain CASE tools and its use in Software Engineering.
3 Marks
Unit : Advanced Topics in Software Engineering
Topic : Computer-Aided Software Engineering
Write short notes on Reverse Engineering
4 Marks
Unit : Software Maintenance and Configuration Management
Topic : Reverse Engineering
What is Risk Management? Explain RMMM plan
7 Marks
Unit : Managing Software Project
Topic : Risk Analysis &Management (Risk Identification, Risk Projection, Risk Refinement , Risk Mitigation)
What is Cyclomatic complexity? Define Steps to find Cyclomatic complexity using flow graph.
3 Marks
Unit : Software Coding & Testing
Topic : Code Review
Explain Software Project management and W5HH principle
4 Marks
Unit : Managing Software Project
Topic : Software Metrics (Process, Product and Project Metrics)
Explain Software as a Service (SaaS). Give its applications
7 Marks
Unit : Software Engineering and Software as a Service
Topic : Software as a Service