Applied Mathematics for Electrical Engineering - 3130908
Complex Variables and Partial Differential Equations - 3130005
Engineering Graphics and Design - 3110013
Basic Electronics - 3110016
Mathematics-II - 3110015
Basic Civil Engineering - 3110004
Physics Group - II - 3110018
Basic Electrical Engineering - 3110005
Basic Mechanical Engineering - 3110006
Programming for Problem Solving - 3110003
Physics Group - I - 3110011
Mathematics-I - 3110014
English - 3110002
Environmental Science - 3110007
Software Engineering - 2160701
Data Structure - 2130702
Database Management Systems - 2130703
Operating System - 2140702
Advanced Java - 2160707
Compiler Design - 2170701
Data Mining And Business Intelligence - 2170715
Information And Network Security - 2170709
Mobile Computing And Wireless Communication - 2170710
Theory Of Computation - 2160704
Semester - 1
Semester - 2
Semester - 3
Semester - 4
Semester - 5
Semester - 6
Semester - 7
Semester - 8
Software Engineering
BE | Semester-
Q5) (a)
3 Marks
Explain Software as a Service.
SaaS (Software as a Service) describes any cloud service where consumers are able to access software applications over the internet
Google, Twitter and Facebook are all examples of SaaS, with users able to access the services via any internet enabled device
Enterprise users are able to use applications for a range of needs, including accounting and invoicing, tracking sales, planning, performance monitoring and communications
SaaS is often referred to as software-on-demand and utilizing it as renting software rather than buying it
With traditional software applications you would purchase the software upfront as a package and then install it onto your computer
The software’s license may also limit the number of users and/or devices where the software can be deployed
Software as a Service users, however, subscribe to the software rather than purchase it, usually on a monthly basis
Applications are purchased and used online with files (data files) saved in the cloud rather than on individual computers
Office software is the best example of businesses utilizing SaaS
Tasks related to accounting, invoicing, sales and planning can all be performed through Software as a Service.
The required software can be subscribed via the internet and then accessed online via any computer in the office using a username and password.
If needs change they can easily switch to software that better meets their requirements.
Everyone who needs access to a particular piece of software can be set up as a user
Whether it is one or two people or every employee in a corporation.
Benefits of SaaS to organizations and personal users
No additional hardware costs
No initial setup costs
Pay for what you use
Usage is scalable
Updates are automated
Accessible from any location
Cross device compatibility
Applications can be customized
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