Applied Mathematics for Electrical Engineering - 3130908
Complex Variables and Partial Differential Equations - 3130005
Engineering Graphics and Design - 3110013
Basic Electronics - 3110016
Mathematics-II - 3110015
Basic Civil Engineering - 3110004
Physics Group - II - 3110018
Basic Electrical Engineering - 3110005
Basic Mechanical Engineering - 3110006
Programming for Problem Solving - 3110003
Physics Group - I - 3110011
Mathematics-I - 3110014
English - 3110002
Environmental Science - 3110007
Software Engineering - 2160701
Data Structure - 2130702
Database Management Systems - 2130703
Operating System - 2140702
Advanced Java - 2160707
Compiler Design - 2170701
Data Mining And Business Intelligence - 2170715
Information And Network Security - 2170709
Mobile Computing And Wireless Communication - 2170710
Theory Of Computation - 2160704
Semester - 1
Semester - 2
Semester - 3
Semester - 4
Semester - 5
Semester - 6
Semester - 7
Semester - 8
Engineering Graphics and Design
Projections of Points and Lines
BE | Semester
Unit : Projections of Points and Lines
BE - Semester -
Winter - 2019
Total Marks :
Point A is 20 mm above HP and 30 mm in front of VP and point B is in the HP and 40 mm behind the VP. The distance between their projectors is 50 mm. Draw the projections of the points. Also, draw straight lines joining their top and front views.
4 Marks
Unit : Projections of Points and Lines
The end P of a line PQ 120 mm long is 30 mm above HP and 60 mm behind VP. The line is inclined at an angle of 30° with the reference plans of the projection. The point Q is below HP and behind VP. Draw the projections of line PQ and locate the point Q.
7 Marks
Unit : Projections of Points and Lines
Plan and elevation of a line AB, 80 mm long, measure 60 mm and 72 mm respectively. End A of the line is in HP and end B is in VP. Draw its projections, assuming the line to lie in the first quadrant.
7 Marks
Unit : Projections of Points and Lines