English (3110002)

BE | Semester-1   Winter-2019 | 13-01-2020

Q3) (c)

Demonstrate the importance of coherence in developing an effective paragraph.

The word coherence literally means “consistency” of speech, thought, ideas and reasoning that makes the expression clear and easy to understand. Coherence demonstrates the logical relationship between the elements and the construction. All necessary information and ideas should be presented in sensible order. There are four significant devices, which may help to attain coherence:
Some common pronouns such as they, me, it or demonstrative pronouns such as this, that, these and those are used in order to achieve coherence in writing. This helps in maintain the continuity of thought.
Repetition of certain words also gives coherence to a paragraph. While using repetition the writer must be very careful for the reason that too much repetition may lead to monotony.
Synonyms are used in place of certain words already used and have certain meaning. This includes variety and thus helps the writer to avoid monotony.
Connectives and sentence linkers
The use of connectives and sentence linkers is another device which lends coherence to paragraph. The connective such as therefore, as a result, to sum up and I short etc. can be used for coherence.