Basic Electronics (3110016)

BE | Semester-1   Winter-2019 | 06-01-2020

Q2) (c)

Explain Ex-OR and Ex-NOR gate with truth table and construct OR gate using diodes.


  • It also means Inequality detector because it gives output high when both inputs are different.
  • Exclusive OR gate gives output equal to 1 when the two inputs are exclusively different.
  • It is represented by a symbol ⊕ .
  • X = A  B is read as “ X is equal to A XOR B ".
  • The logic expression of this gate in terms of AND, OR and NOT operation is X = A  B = A¯ · B + A · B¯
Truth Table
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0
  • For Boolean Expresssion, Logic Diagram Symbol and Logic circuit diagram, follow Fig - 1.


  • It also means equality detector because it gives output high when both inputs are same.
  • Exclusive NOR gate is XOR gate followed by an inverter. Thus, it is the complement of XOR gate. This is the reason why it is also known as equality gate.
  • It is represented by a symbol .
  • X = A  B is read as “ X is equal to A XNOR B ".
  • The logic expression of this gate in terms of AND, OR and NOT operation is X = A  B = A · B + A¯ · B¯
Truth Table
0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1
  • For Boolean Expression, Logic Diagram Symbol, and Logic circuit diagram, follow Fig - 2.