Basic Mechanical Engineering (3110006)

BE | Semester-1   Summer-2019 | 04-06-2023

Q2) (c)

Determine the value of final dryness fraction of steam.
  1. After losing 125 kJ from the steam at constant pressure.
  2. After expansion to 3 bar pressure in a turbine stage and work equivalent of 20 kJ/kg done. Initially steam is available at 7 bar pressure and 0.9 dryness fraction.

Given Data:
At state-1 : p1 = 7 bar and x1 = 0.9
At state-2 : p2 = 3 bar
wt = 20 kJ/kg
x2 = ?
From Steam Table:
@ p1 = 7 bar hf = 697.1 kJkg , hfg = 2064.9 kJkg 
@ p2 = 3 bar hf = 561.5 kJkg , hfg = 2163.2 kJkg 
Now,  h1 = hf1 + x1 hfg1@ 7 bar
h1 = 697.1 + 0.9 × 2064.9
h1 = 2555.51 kJkg
After losing 125 kJ from the steam at constant pressure, we get
h1 = 2555.51 - 125 = 2430.51 kJkg
Now, wt = h1 - h2 kJkg
20 = 2430.51 - h2
h2 = 2410.51 kJkg
Now, h2 = hf2 + x2 hfg2@3 bar
2410.51 = 561.5 + x2 × 2163.2
x2 = 0.85