Applied Mathematics for Electrical Engineering (3130908)

BE | Semester-3   Winter-2019 | 26-11-2019

Q5) (c ( i ))

Attempt the following.
Find the coefficient of quartile deviation for the following data: 6, 8, 10, 4, 20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10 ..

Given observations in ascending order: 4, 6, 8, 10, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20.
Q1 =  N+1 4th  observation
Q1 =  10+1 4th  observation
Q1 =  11 4th  observation
Q1 = 2.75th  observation
Here, 2nd observation is 6 and now add 0.75* 2nd observation - 3rd observation to the 2nd observation .
6 + 0.75*8-6 = 7.5
Therefore, 2.75th observation is 7.5.
Q3 =  3N+1 4th  observation
Q1 = 310+1 4th  observation
Q1 =  11 4th  observation
Q1 = 8.25th  observation
Here, 8th observation is 18 and now add 0.25* 8th observation - 9th observation to the 8th observation .
18 + 0.25*20-18 = 18.5
Therefore, 8.25th observation is 18.5.
C.D. =  Q3 - Q1  Q3 + Q1  =  18.5 - 7.5 18.5 + 7.5  = 0.4231